Tamera Peace Research Center
Introduction to the project:
Tamera is an intentional community and peace research center in Southern Portugal that was founded by Dr. Dieter Duhm (psychoanalyst), Sabine Lichtenfels (theologian) and Charly Rainer Ehrenpreis (physicist) in 1995. Their aim is to create a model for a future society where all areas of life are based on trust, mutual support, cooperation and solidarity. This includes solidarity and trust between the genders. Today, Tamera has ca. 170 co-workers in different working areas such as ecology, the Solar Village, the Seminar and Guest center, the Children’s Republic, the “Political Ashram,” the “Institute for Global Peace Work,” the Center for Art and Healing, the Global Love School and more. Tamera cooperates with international networks and specific projects in Israel-Palestine, Colombia, Mexico, Brazil, Kenya and other countries. Tamera teams are helping to develop similar communities and centers of excellence in these countries.
Areas of work and ethical orientation:
- Non-violent cooperation with all co-creatures.
- Healing of the water cycles by creating “Water Retention Landscapes.” Healing the water cycles is a basis for edible landscapes (permaculture) and food sovereignty.
- Withdrawal from the oil industry by developing decentralized systems for energy autonomy.
- Establishing decentralized subsistence economies.
- Establishing functioning communities with the ethical guidelines of truth, mutual support and responsible participation.
- Ending the war between the sexes and all sexual humiliation.
- Truth in love. No deceit in partnerships.
- No revenge. Grace instead of retaliation.
- Realignment of the human world with the higher-order world of life and creation.
37°42´54” N
-8°30´57” W
Why is this project important?
Tamera and its network are establishing a future perspective which can give hope to millions of people around the world… a perspective that may save lives. This perspective is based not only on words, but on decades of experience and practical solutions and decentralized groups which are already working with this experience in different regions of the world. Once it is established in many places, this perspective will be an alternative to the capitalistic and destructive system of globalization.
The founders of Tamera describe in their “Political Theory” why it would only take a few such centers to create a worldwide system change from the existing matrix of violence to a future matrix of life. For more information, please read the study book for the Terra Nova School, “Setting Foundations for a New Civilization” (Martin Winiecki, ed.).
Tamera is developing answers to questions like: What might come after the break-down of the big systems, the ecological and financial systems, the climate systems, the thought systems and the social systems? What comes after capitalism? What is the vision for cooperation between human beings and nature, so that human beings will never again destroy life on the planet as they are doing today? How can communities where people can organize themselves in order to be self-sufficient in food and energy and have free access to clean drinking water be developed all over the planet? How can the war between the genders be ended? How can we develop an identity as human beings on Planet Earth which comprises all the separate identities of nations, cultures and religions? How can we end global war?
These are humanity’s questions. The answers are valuable to the many who have no chance in capitalism at all, as well as to the few who are at the top of their careers and know about the instability of the system. They, too, are looking for solutions. The perspective is the result of cooperation between equal partners of the Global South and Global North, among others.
Projects on the ground:
Tamera is a training center for students and peace workers from all over the world.
The Terra Nova School, led by Martin Winiecki, provides online education worldwide and invites all who are interested to join and build study groups in their local communities. The school provides lessons and live streaming lectures every month in these four languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese and German.
The Global Campus, coordinated by Vera Kleinhammes, supports groups on different continents in building their own centers.
Tamera’s Global Ecology Team, coordinated by Bernd Müller, organizes an annual International Water Symposium for experts, policy makers and activists to create strategies for healing the water cycles of the planet.
The Global Love School, founded by Sabine Lichtenfels, is an initiative for peace workers and trainers to create ethical guidelines on how to deal with the topic of love, sexuality and gender in global peace work.
Some partner projects:
Peace Research Village, Middle East
Peace Community San José de Apartadó, Colombia
The intention of all these, and many more, activities is to create a “Planetary Community.“ You are welcome to get involved.
* Watch a film that EEMP made about Tamera.
* Tamera’s work on healing the water (Water Retention Landscapes) was among the four finalists as Honorable Mentioned of the Buckminster Fuller Challenge in 2012. read statement
* Video (ca. 12 Min) “Water is Life” about the Water Retention Landscape by Ludwig Schramm, GraceMedia, Tamera :
English deutsch español portugues
Watch a video about Tamera’s Solar Village here
Watch a video about the Children’s Republic of Tamera here
Want to get involved?
Please join us on Facebook
Monika Berghoff, Institute of Global Peace Work (IGP), Tamea
Email: igp@tamera.org
Phone: +351 283 635 484 (Portugal)