The EEMP reaching for its goals

The EEMP’s work is based on funding and provision of in-kind donations to help its filming and educating around the earth. Aside from films, the EEMP develops visual communication tools for everyone, from community leaders to high-ranking UN officials as references for restoration.

The EEMP is a 501c (3) non-profit organisation registered in the US (CA).  The EEMP has its operational base in Beijing, China. Established in 2002 it is fully compliant with registration and reporting requirements. The EEMP team comprises Director John D. Liu and three full-time staff working on strategy, filming, distribution and day-to-day management.

Our ideal basic annual operating budget will come to about €350,000. This allows for staff, travel costs related to international trips for filming onsite and presentations, maintenance/replacement of recording and storage and backup equipment, film language versioning and distribution costs.

The budget also allows for initiating a pilot Training Research and Innovation Centre for Restoration, which will be a resource centre for communities seeking to restore their environment’s ecological functions and for others who wish to train or to be trained. See our Projects page for more information.

As current economies fails them, young people are coming together in intentional communities or in eco-friendly evolutionary urban movements (e.g. slow food movement, social media-gathered groups). This is happening because younger generations are all too aware that the world under threat from vegetation loss and climate change is their world. They need places to acquire skills. For the purpose of large-scale restoration, this positive energy and sense of ownership can be harnessed for healing and for generating value. It is the EEMP’s vision therefore, to link present and future ecosystem restoration projects with specialized training schools for the community so that the requisite restoration and maintenance skills will be held directly by the communities threatened by degradation, and that such work will be recognized as not just decent, but also as fulfilling professional work, now and in the future.

We seek support for the Visual Ecological Database (VEDA), which is designed to freely share documented techniques and experiences from and for communities rebuilding their environment.

EEMP is looking for support to produce a highly impactful feature film following the successful documentary films like ‘Hope in a Changing Climate’, ‘The Lessons of the Loess Plateau’ and ‘Green Gold’.

The EEMP has been working with the International Union of Nature Conservation – Netherlands (IUCN NL) and Commonland for the past years with John D. Liu acting as Ambassador for Ecosystem Restoration. His presentation tours and filming productions were supported by IUCN throughout three years with funding from the Dutch Post Code Lottery. We are now looking to continue this valuable work through a system of wide spread co-financing.

If you would like to invite John for presentations, co-create and co-sponsor films and documentaries, offer in-kind donations or get otherwise involved, do contact Patrick Augenstein at

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