What If We Change is the new EEMP television series that broadcasts in North America (Link TV), in Asia (CCTV9) as well as in Africa (Citizen TV). It documents Stories of Hope from people who have changed their course and dedicated their lives to heal local ecosystems in which they live. The series widely broadcasts the knowledge needed to restore large-scale damaged ecosystems that will educate and empower people across cultures to reverse biodiversity loss, desertification, food insecurity and water scarcity.
From intentional communities in southern Portugal that transformed barren lands into lush gardens, to a President in the heart of Africa that ordered the rehabilitation of his entire nation state, all the way to grass-root movements in Mongolia that stopped an ever expanding desert, and to Jordan’s Princess and her mission to re-green her once fertile homelands: the series shows initiatives that work and people that inspire others with their will to change.
Accepting the degraded state of our natural systems, on which we all collectively depend, is not an option. All of them (who?) are united in knowing that it is possible to restore natural cycles to full functionality that provide fresh water, clean air and fertile soils. And by actively doing so, as each episode shows, we not only rehabilitate a stream or renew a wetland, we also revitalize a deeper connectivity with our immediate local environments and ourselves. It is a conscious decision for change and a continuous curious investigation in how our natural systems function that allows us to rejuvenate them on a planetary scale.
The series travels to the frontlines of ecosystem restoration across this planet: to places where dramatic changes in micro-climatic condition could indicate solutions for a much larger scale, where strategies for sustainable land management have started crossing watersheds and national boundaries, to remote ocean islands where coral banks have been reestablish, providing habitat for some of the most diverse forms of life as well as storm-protection for all life on land.
Award-winning episodes such as Hope in a Changing Climate, Water Retention Landscapes, Forests of Hope, Climate Smart Agriculture, Rwanda – Emerging, A Line in the Sand, Forests Keep Drylands Working, and Green Gold pivot around the central questions of our time: How can we restore all spheres of our planetary system? How do we decouple economic growth from degradation? How can we design carbon neutral economies that become part of the solution? How will we design ecosystem restoration holistically so that biodiversity survives and human poverty is ended? And who are the most inspiring pioneers across the globe that will lead us into the Age of Restoration? What If We Change?
The series is accompanied by an interactive website that shares additional film vignettes from ecosystem restoration projects around the world. Local resident and travelling reporters are actively highlighting working restoration and telling their personal stories. The webpages also provides additional scientific background knowledge and encourages viewers to draft and edit their own personal Story of Hope. www.whatifwechange.org