    China to deliver global ecological advancement?
    (Jan. 4, 2010, John D. Liu, The Guardian Weekly) China's successful approach to the ecological restoration of degraded land along the Yellow River could deliver an ecological breakthrough of global importance.
Newest Release
71 organizations in 29 nations are hosting facilitated discussions and screenings of the film that is airing globally on BBC World, and premiered at COP15 in Copenhagen.
Featured Content
Lessons of the Loess (Dec. 10, 2009, Op-Ed, International Herald Tribune)
Growing recognition of the important role of ecosystem restoration in stabilizing the changing climate

Entries by EEMP (1)


Hope in a Changing Climate


A Global Dialogue on Ecosystem Restoration

BBC World Programme Highlights: Hope in a Changing Climate

The BBC World broadcasts the film, "Hope in a Changing Climate," on November 27th, and The World Bank and IUCN will screen the film in Copenhagen during COP-15, the climate change summit in December 2009.

Join with us to watch the film, discuss the issues, tell the story, and shape our common future. EEMP will provide host organizations with a facilitator's guide, access to "Hope in a Changing Climate" (if outside BBC broadcast area), templates for invitations and press releases, and other support materials. 

For more information, visit www.hopeinachangingclimate.org.

"Hope in a Changing Climate" is produced with financial support from a diverse set of funders including the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN)-The Netherlands, Open University, The Rockefeller Foundation, the Syngenta Foundation for Sustainable Agriculture, and The World Bank.




For more information, please contact:

info [at] eemp.org