Hope in a Changing Climate

A Global Dialogue on Ecosystem Restoration
BBC World Programme Highlights: Hope in a Changing Climate
The BBC World broadcasted the film, "Hope in a Changing Climate" on November 27th, 2009 and the film screened in Copenhagen during COP-15, the climate change summit in December 17, 2009.
Join with us to watch the film, discuss the issues, tell the story and shape our common future. EEMP providea host organizations with a facilitator's guide, access to "Hope in a Changing Climate" (if outside BBC broadcast area), templates for invitations and press releases and other support materials.
For more information, visit www.hopeinachangingclimate.org.
"Hope in a Changing Climate" is produced with financial support from a diverse set of funders including the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) -The Netherlands, Open University, The Rockefeller Foundation, the Syngenta Foundation for Sustainable Agriculture and The World Bank.
- News Release: Forests and ecosystems central to COP15 success?
- News Release: Film offers new approach for Climate Stability, Poverty Eradication and Sustainable Agriculture
- Download "Hope in a Changing Climate" Press Kit
- Hope in a Changing Climate: changing the course of history for millions
(PressReleasePoint News Release, 20 Nov. 2009) - Loess Plateau: Before and After (High Res | Low Res)
- "Hope in a Changing Climate" Discussion Guide (A4 Size | Letter Size)
For more information, please contact:
Patrick Augenstein, Director of Research
augenstein [at] eemp.org