    China to deliver global ecological advancement?
    (Jan. 4, 2010, John D. Liu, The Guardian Weekly) China's successful approach to the ecological restoration of degraded land along the Yellow River could deliver an ecological breakthrough of global importance.
Newest Release
BBC WORLD started the year of 2010 with airing 'Hope in a Changing Climate' on the the first of January. 72 organizations in 30 nations hosted and facilitated discussions and screenings. The film premiered on BBC WORLD on Nov. 27, well timed for COP 15. It culminated with a gala screening at COP 15
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Lessons of the Loess (Dec. 10, 2009, Op-Ed, International Herald Tribune)
Growing recognition of the important role of ecosystem restoration in stabilizing the changing climate

John D. Liu

John Dennis Liu is a Chinese American who has lived in China for three decades. In 1981 Mr. Liu helped to open the CBS News bureau in Beijing at the time of normalization of relations between the U.S. and China, staying with CBS News for more than 10 years. He also worked for Radiotelevisione Italiana (RAI Italian Television), Swiss Television (SRG) and Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen (ZDF German Television).

For the past 15 years, Mr. Liu has concentrated on ecological film making and has written, produced and directed films on grasslands, deserts, wetlands, oceans, rivers, urban development, atmosphere, forests, endangered animals and other topics primarily for Earth Report and Life Series on the BBC World. In 2003, Mr. Liu wrote, produced and directed "Jane Goodall - China Diary" for National Geographic.

Since 1997, Mr. Liu has directed the Environmental Education Media Project (EEMP). Mr. Liu was also the driving force in the creation and development of the "China Environment and Sustainable Development Reference and Research Center" (CESDRRC), the China HIV/AIDS Information Network (CHAIN) and the Environmental Education Media Project (Mongolia).

Mr. Liu is a foreign expert at the International Cultural Exchange Audio/Visual Publishing House, the Rothamsted International Fellow for the Communication of Science at the Rothamsted Research Institute, a member of the Steering Committee of the Global Forum on Media for Development, associate professor at George Mason University's Center for Climate and Society and Senior Research Fellow, IUCN.